You can care about animal well-being without completely giving up meat.

We believe that the average person cares about animals and does not want them to suffer. However, many organizations and movement focused on ending or reducing animal suffering alienate these people because of an all-or-nothing approach to eating meat and animal byproducts. At Ethical Eaters we believe in reducing animal suffering in whatever ways work best for you, and we help you learn about your options.

Who We Are

Ethical Eaters is a movement and awareness campaign dedicated to spreading information and awareness about how to promote animal wellbeing.


We believe that the ‘all-or-nothing’ approach of many animal rights advocates and environmental activists has led to many people giving up entirely on adjusting their behavior to limit animal suffering. This has also led to a lack of information or understanding of the more-ethical options out there, like pasture-raised beef and eggs.

“Love of animals is a universal impulse, a common ground on which all of us may meet. By loving and understanding animals, perhaps we humans shall come to understand each other. ”

— Louis J. Camuti


There are so many ways to help animals, so it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are our focus areas:

Ethical Pet Ownership

Here are our thoughts on becoming an ethical pet owner.

Learn more

Choose More Ethical Eggs and Dairy

What’s the difference between cage-free, free-range, and pasture raised? Why does it matter?

Learn more about eggs

Limit Ocean Waste

The ocean is the habitat of many beautiful sea creatures — here’s how you can keep it that way.

Learn more


Animals Are Not Entertainment

The darker less humorous side of circuses, zoos, and aquariums…

Learn more


Founder’s Story

Alexi Lee founded Ethical Carnivores in December of 2018.

My name is Alexi Lee and I am 17 years old. I have always loved animals and wanted to help protect them. I volunteered at Bergen County Protect and Rescue and my research on bear bile farming won the 2018 Voice for Animals essay contest for my age category (you can read the essay here!) Last year, in an attempt to support the fight against factory farming and unethical practices in the meat and dairy industries, I considered going vegetarian or even vegan. Unfortunately, with my Korean culture, I struggled a lot as meat is a huge part of my family meals.

Although I have taken steps towards reducing my meat and dairy consumption, I know that there are lots of other people out there who have real difficulties giving up meat or dairy but still want to help animals to the best of their ability. I started doing research about all the different things we can do to help animals, like adopting instead of shopping or buying pasture-raised eggs instead of cage-free ones. So, I decided to start this movement to gather people like me; people who aren’t prepared for an all-or-nothing approach but still want to act in ethical ways and do what we can to protect animals who are mistreated.

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Spread the Word 

 Tell your friends and family about these threatened places. There’s no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate yourself. Join now and make an impact!